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How to check progress of dbcc shrinkfile

  Query to check progress of dbcc shrinkfile select s.session_id,command,t.text,percent_complete,s.start_time from sys.dm_exec_requests s  CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(s.sql_handle) t where command like '%Dbcc%'

Oracle Wait Events

Below query to check the wait events in the database col EVENT for a50 set head on feed on set lines 134 pages 2000 select event,count(*) from  gv$session where event not like 'Streams%' and wait_class <> 'Idle' group by event order by 2;

Unix Bash Script

Bash Script that will recursively find all files under a directory and also under sub-directories. It will print all the files and also show the count for the words inside the files. for i in `find $1 -name "*" -type f` do wc -w $i done <directory_name>

Load records from csv file in S3 file to RDS MySQL database using AWS Data Pipeline

 In this post we will see how to create a data pipeline in AWS which picks data from S3 csv file and inserts records in RDS MySQL table.  I am using below csv file which contains a list of passengers. CSV Data stored in the file Passenger.csv Upload Passenger.csv file to S3 bucket using AWS ClI In below screenshot I am connecting the RDS MySQL instance I have created in AWS and the definition of the table that I have created in the database testdb. Once we have uploaded the csv file we will create the data pipeline. There are 2 ways to create the pipeline.  Using "Import Definition" option under AWS console.                    We can use import definition option while creating the new pipeline. This would need a json file which contains the definition of the pipeline in the json format. You can use my Github link below to download the JSON definition: JSON Definition to create the Data Pipeline Using "Edit Architect" ...

Install Gitlab-runner and execute your first pipeline

In this article we will see how to install gitlab-runner on Redhat Linux 6 What is Gitlab Runner? Below is the definition of Gitlab-runner as provided in Gitlab documentation: " GitLab Runner is the open source project that is used to run your jobs and send the results back to GitLab. It is used in conjunction with Gitlab CI/CD , the open-source continuous integration service included with GitLab that coordinates the jobs" As you can see in below screenshot that there are currently no runners registered with your Gitlab. In order to see all registered runners: Goto your Gitlab console -> Your Project -> Settings -> CI / CD Expand the Runners section and you will see a screen similar to below. Any registered runners will be visible in this section. You can't see any runners, as currently there are no runners registered. Now let us see the steps to install Gitlab runner, register it with Gitlab and run your first pipeline: Install Runner: - Run the wget command to...

Unix Bash/Shell script to create Custom VPC in AWS

This article provides you a unix shell script which creates following resources under your AWS account. You can download the script from the link "VPC Setup Script" AWS Resources Created by the script VPC with CIDR prefix Public Subnet with CIDR prefix Private Subnets with CIDR prefix Internet Gateway  Routing Tables for public and private subnets NAT Gateway Elastic IP EC2 instance 1 of type t2.micro in private subnet EC2 instance 2 of type t2.micro in public subnet Please ensure to delete these resources when you don't need them or else you will be charged by Amazon as per the pricing policy for these services. Pre-requisites: This program uses AWS command line interface. If you do not have it already, then install AWS CLI before running this script. You can download and install AWS CLI using the  AWS CLI Installer Link .  Linux Shell Script Code:  Copy the below code and put it in a text file. Save the text file with .sh ...

Gitlab installation steps on Redhat Linux

In this blog we will see the steps to install Gitlab on Redhat Enterprise Linux 6. I will be using the virtual machine "gitserver" that I have created on Google Cloud. You can use any server or VM running RHEL 6 and follow these steps. Follow the below steps to install gitlab. Run these steps as root user. # yum install -y curl policycoreutils-python openssh-server cronie # lokkit -s http -s ssh  # yum install postfix  # service postfix start  # chkconfig postfix on  # curl | sudo bash  # EXTERNAL_URL="" yum -y install gitlab-ee  You will see a screen similar to below, once your gitlab installation is successful. You can now access the gitlab console using the http or https url that you provided during the installation, i.e., http://<ip/server_name> or When you open the c...